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Studio Datamanagement
Learning targets
The availability of data is increasing explosively. To derive accurate insights from water data, good data management is essential. Each data process must be correctly executed to reach the right conclusions. This training familiarizes you with good data management and all the processes involved. You will translate policy questions into an information strategy, devise data tactics, and experiment with (new) tools. You will be challenged to extract useful information from datasets and effectively communicate it to the requester.
After completing this training, you will better understand how to manage data. You will understand the role of valid data and information management. Moreover, you will have a better awareness of your personal role within the data management of your own organization. You will be able to apply new methodologies for data processing and understand the limitations of your data. You will be able to communicate the information from your data vividly and visually.
The following topics will be covered in this course:
- policy and management/strategy
- information needs
- data tactics
- data collection and interpretation
- data and information management
- data validation
- data processing and interpretation
- data access, reporting, and presentation
After completing this course, you will have:
- understanding of data management
- insight into your own role within data management
- skills to apply data processing methodologies
- skills to visually present data
Target group
This training is of interest to professionals who work with data in their daily jobs, such as operators, engineers, or policymakers/advisors. The training specifically focuses on water data.
Learning together
World Water Academy creates an enthusiastic learning environment where you can engage in valuable discussions about both the content and your work situation.
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