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Highlights Distribution of Drinking Water
Learning targets
Facts & Figures You Must Know When Working in Water Distribution.
The Highlights Drinking Water Distribution course does exactly what it says: it highlights the key principles of designing, installing, and managing pipeline systems. Additionally, you’ll gain insights into the issue of legionella and the role water companies play in addressing it.
We also cover relevant legislation, maintaining water quality, and inspecting drinking water installations.
After completing this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the distribution process—a comprehensive package for every water professional.
The following topics will be covered:
- water quality and hygienic practices
- design, installation, and management of pipeline systems
- legal aspects of pipeline installation and management
- drinking water installations and legionella
Upon completion of this course, you will have gained the following knowledge and skills:
- explaining the water distribution process
- designing, installing, and managing a pipeline system
- taking into account the legal aspects of pipeline systems
- identifying and addressing the legionella issue
Day 1
- pipeline design
- pipeline installation
- pipeline management
Day 2
- water quality
- drinking water installations
Your contribution
At World Water Academy, the focus is on both knowledge and practical experience. Therefore, we expect each participant to bring their own work experience into the course. What challenges do you face? And what experiences can you share to help others learn from them?
Target group
The Highlights Drinking Water Distribution course is designed for anyone who wants to quickly learn the key topics related to drinking water distribution.
Learning together
Our group-based approach creates an enthusiastic learning environment where you can engage in valuable discussions about both the course content and your work situation.
Entry level
Your background includes a higher professional education (HBO) degree.
Feel free to ask us about our products and courses